
Oh shit! (mirror mirror on the wall…)

for Guy Vincent, because he can’t read my post in portuguese

Oh, what a hell this all is! I was staring at my Twitter timeline and there was a new twitt from @Guy_Vincent. For those who don’t know him, Guy is brilliant and I’m a total fan. Why? Because he makes art on Twitter. Yes, click, click on the link to understand what I mean and if any smart ass says “ascii code, piece of cake” go and try to do the same. I know what I mean, because, yeah, I publicly admit here, I’ve tried to do something simular. Looks easy, sure, that’s why it is so beautiful, the simplicity of it; but it’s anything but easy and it has the creative side to it, which is amazing. In short, every time it appears on my timeline, it makes my the day. It’s like a ray of sunshine beating on the sidewalk when you go for a walk, or a leaf falling from a tree, or an empty space amongst the crowd, a silence in the midst of all that conversation: it’s a breathing space on Twitter. And offers you a smile, because it is beautiful.

Well, I saw Guy Vicent’s twitt, went to his timeline to see what I had missed during the day, and noticed that he had only 2000 something followers. I was a bit stunned, because he is such a well known artist, and I though he would have hundreds of thousands of folowers. But no. Apparently people prefer non-stop conversation. Ok, I grant that, but it is BEAUTIFUL. And beauty, on something like Twitter, is not exactly what you see the most.

So, I was thinking about it and I wanted to write about it. And then, hum, not exactly a normal thing for my blog, this theme, but then, this usual thing of writing quick thoughts directly connected to my fingers, is not something that will serve for Diário2. Indecisions, indecisions, I have to twitt about it, why such a short number of followers, but oh, bother, what if he gets offended? I do not worry too much about offending someone when I’m ranting, but when I’m praising something or someone its more annoying … if he blocks me I will loose his art on my timeline and then something really important is lost on my Twitter.

Anyways, I decided to write about this all. Darn it, I look upon the mirror and nothing, nothing, all is moist.

11 thoughts on “Oh shit! (mirror mirror on the wall…)

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  2. Pingback: Guy~Vincent

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